Urban Biome's list of Sustainable Brands

Urban Biome's list of Sustainable Brands

As we grow while maintaining our values, so do others. 

A few years back when we started, before Covid, it felt almost impossible to create a company that would sell clothes and keep standards of ethics. Then as we figured more and more things out, as we found ways to exist in this industry, it got a little easier, and we were even able to overcome the pandemic and rebuild everything from the ground up.

Sustainability is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days, especially since the biggest corporations finally noticed that people would rather spend their money on things that are better for the world. That said, it is still challenging to make sustainable choices but more and more business owners are taking it upon themselves to do it anyways.

Urban Biome, is helping in all of this. They put together a list of companies that follow these values. They did the research and put in the work for you. They put together different lists based on what your preferences may be. They tell you were the brands are out of, what they value, and how they turn those values into a reality. So go check out their lists, see what brands you like and add them to your list of options of where to shop the next time you need or want something new. 

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